
Love Joy

I'm back from SF! Sometimes I'm really bad at taking photos (I took a total of 6 this trip) but I managed to scrounge up a few from friends. I love SF more than ever since more and more of my favorite people live there :)

Me + Bestie.

Saturday was a tea party at Love Joy in Noe Valley. It was the first of a full day of bachelorette activities for my friend Aparna. Love Joy is absolutely adorable, you have got to plan a date with your girlfriends there. crochet doilies, big hats, small sandwiches, kitschy teacups. i drank so much tea i was beginning to feel tipsy?


Lainey said...

I adore SF too. Every time I'm there, I feel like that's where I belong. And every time I come home, I immediately want to go back! But I've never tried that place Love Joy. And I love tea and sandwiches, so that's actually the perfect place for me! Great pics! Can't wait to see more from your trip.

Sindy said...

I LURVE SF. I lived there for only a year and I fell in love with the city.

i think i've commented this before, but and I hope you don't get creeped out -- but you have like the most perfect face ever!

Valencia Lia said...

Is SF really so so much fun ?!! I need to go visit soon then :))

Wooo,yummy yum sandwiches ! And sometimes too when I go out,I thought I'll snap alot of photos. But ended up only with a few. haaha